Holistic Health Workshop: There is hope for tight neck and shoulders, and tired, irritated eyes
For staff, faculty, students and members of the university community
Join us in-person and learn ways to reduce discomfort and improve health
Are your eyes tired, irritated and sometimes dry or do you have neck and shoulder discomfort at the end of the day? If yes, come to the two-session workshop and learn skills to reduce symptoms and increase health. Learn pragmatic techniques that you can integrate immediately at work and at home.
Instructor: Erik Peper, Ph.D., Institute for Holistic Health Studies, Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism
The Holistic Health Workshop Series is sponsored by the Institute for Holistic Health Studies and Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism and is open to staff, faculty, students and members of the university community,
For information and classes offered in Holistic Health Studies contact:
Richard Harvey, Ph.D., rharvey@sfsu.edu
Institute for Holistic Health Studies
Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism