CHSS Connection

August 30, 2023


People at tables in Seven Hills Conference Center

The College of Health & Social Sciences opened the 2023-2024 academic year with a gathering at Seven Hills Conference Center on August 17. Interim Dean Andreana Clay announced new faculty members and presented gifts to faculty who have been promoted. Associate Dean John Elia presented certificates to winners of the CHSS Faculty Excellence Awards.

collage of headshots of six new faculty members

Six new tenure-track faculty members have joined the College as assistant professors this year:

(Top row, left to right)

(Bottom row, left to right)

  • Navi Kaur, Department of Criminal Justice Studies
  • Juliana Parma, Department of Kinesiology
  • Shubhi Sachdeva, Department of Child & Adolescent Development

We also extend a warm welcome to recently hired staff:

  • Golda Dinsay, AOC, Department of Physical Therapy
  • Ocèan LaLuce d'Luna, AOC, Department of Public Health
  • Vaneza Espino, Admissions Lead Coordinator, School of Nursing
  • Kylie Johanson, ASC, Department of Kinesiology
collage of interim dean presenting gifts to 9 promoted professors

At the College's Fall '23 Opening Meeting, Interim Dean Andreana Clay congratulated and presented gifts to newly tenured and promoted faculty:

  • Leia Bagesteiro, Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology
  • Nicole Bolter, Professor, Department of Kinesiology
  • Therese Doan, Professor, School of Nursing
  • Carina Gallo, Professor, Department of Criminal Justice Studies
  • Jung Eun Kim, Associate Professor, School of Nursing
  • Carole Kulik, Associate Professor, School of Nursing (not pictured)
  • Jet Lee, Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
  • Zubaida Qamar, Associate Professor, Nutrition & Dietetics (Family, Interiors, Nutrition & Apparel Department)
  • Jasper Rubin, Professor, Urban Studies & Planning (School of Public Affairs & Civic Engagement) 
  • Emiko Takagi, Associate Professor, Gerontology (School of Public Affairs & Civic Engagement) 
collage of John Elia presenting certificates to four faculty award winners

At the August 17 CHSS Fall '23 Opening Meeting, Associate Dean John Elia presented award certificates to the 2023 Circle of Excellence Award winners, who were announced last spring:

Excellence in Teaching, Tenure-Track:
Sherria Taylor, Department of Child & Adolescent Development

Excellence in Teaching, Lecturer
Martin Dixon, Department of Kinesiology

Excellence in Service
Sonja Lenz-Rashid, School of Social Work

Excellence in Scholarship
Julie Chronister, Department of Counseling

The latest episode of the CHSS Teaching Academy Podcast is now available. In this episode, titled, “Canvas: What You Need to Know!,” Associate Professor of Nursing Carrie Holschuh engages with Cristina Zuniga, lecturer in the School of Nursing, and Sherria Taylor, associate professor of Child & Adolescent Development, to discuss the CSU-wide transition to using Canvas. They also provide tips and tricks on how to navigate the infrastructure and optimize your Canvas site.


Healing Circles graphic with colorful abstract images

This fall, the CHSS RACE Collective will once again be starting up the Healing Circles Initiative to focus on racial justice through collective learning, unlearning and radical community care. Healing Circles are open to all CHSS faculty, staff and students.

The creation of Healing Circles intentionally centers well-being and caring as a foundation for racial justice. Healing Circles recognize the trauma and pain of racism and racial injustice and uphold the hope for healing and growth that comes from connections and community.

Healing Circles will start approximately in mid-to-late September. They will be structured and racial identity-specific. Each group will choose a book to walk through from a selection of books and the group will determine how long and how often their group will meet.


Assistant Professor of Child & Adolescent Development Molly McManus and colleagues were awarded a research grant from the Spencer Foundation to study and support early childhood teachers in Texas and California learning from and integrating Latine immigrant parents’ knowledge about bilingual and bicultural development into their everyday classroom practice. Teacher education does not systematically cover critical perspectives of parent engagement and marginalized communities. This leaves many teachers’ negative biases about minoritized families to inform classroom practice. This also excludes Latine immigrant parents from informing curriculum and pedagogy in the same way white, middle-class parents do. Unchallenged teacher bias and absent parent voices means children from immigrant families encounter subtractive educational experiences that diminish academic achievement. This study aims to reverse these outcomes by centering Latine immigrant parents’ voices as a stimulus to engage teachers in dialogue aimed at sowing the seeds of conscientization in their attitudes and practice to ultimately develop more equitable and culturally sustaining learning opportunities.

Associate Professor of Counseling Tiffany O’Shaughnessy helped facilitate a dialogue about gender inclusivity and racial justice in feminist psychology and co-presented the poster, “Initial Development and Validation of the Attitudes Towards Telesupervision Scale,” at the American Psychological Association’s 2023 Annual Convention. The meeting was held August 3-5 in Washington, D.C.

Professor Erik Peper (Institute for Holistic Health Studies/Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism) was interviewed for the Premus, WDPI & Myopain International Scientific Conference, held September 20-26 in Bengaluru, India, The interview, “Balancing Tech and Health: Insights from Dr. Erik Peper,” is available on YouTube (embedded below), Apple Podcasts and LinkedIn.

An article coauthored by Peper and former SF State student Pamela Jertberg was republished in the August 27, 2023 issue of Townsend Letter: The Examiner of Alternative Medicine. The article, “Healing from vulvodynia,” was originally published in Biofeedback.


The SF State Science, Technology and Society (STS) Hub is pleased to announce the 2023-2024 STS Faculty Fellows Program.

The STS Faculty Fellows Program offers SF State faculty who are working at the intersection of science and social justice the opportunity to join a community of engaged scholars for the academic year. Over the course of the year, STS Hub Fellows will develop and share scholarship, collaborate on potential research projects, mentor advanced graduate students and participate in shaping the future of the STS Hub.

The theme for 2023-2024 is Viral Politics: From HIV to Covid-19. The program welcomes applications from across SF State’s colleges from faculty (TT and lecturers) with active research projects that engage with this theme. Faculty who have a teaching or professional development interest related to theme will also be considered. Accepted fellows will receive a stipend of $1,000 to participate in the STS Hub. Priority will be given to applicants at the rank of lecturer and assistant professor, but all are welcome to apply.

All faculty are welcome to e-mail co-directors Martha Kenney ( and Laura Mamo ( for information. STS Hub Fellowship applications are due Friday, September 15 at 11:59 p.m..

The STS Fellowship Program is funded by the National Science Foundation.

Just a reminder that CHSS users should now make IT support requests (excluding website support) to Academic Technology using the following information:

Phone: (415) 405-5555 (call answered by AT staff)
Office: LIB 80
Academic Technology Website (Appointments available via Outlook Bookings)

IT Support Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday 
Classroom Support Hours: 8 a.m- 8 p.m., Monday-Thursday; 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday

For website support, email Michael Broder, CHSS director of communications, at

Featured Photo

Students walking in Quad

Activity on the Quad on the first day of school. Source: Division of Equity & Community Inclusion on X (Twitter) @SFSUDECI

Submit an Item

The deadline to submit items for the September 13, 2023 issue of CHSS Connection is September 7. Send submissions to