November 29, 2022

The College of Health & Social Sciences is now accepting nominations for the 2023 CHSS Excellence Awards, which will be presented at the Fall Opening next year.
Each faculty award includes $750 and a certificate signed by the dean and associate dean of the College of Health & Social Sciences. The recipient’s name and year of award will appear on a plaque displayed near HSS 238. Student research assistants involved in the faculty Excellence in Scholarship Award will also be honored at the Fall Opening, where they will receive an award certificate and gift from the College. Awardees are required to be present at the Fall Opening in order to receive the award.
Nominations are due by April 14, 2023.
FitPlus, the health and wellness program for SF State faculty and staff, is hosting a series of events in December:
Decrease Holiday Stress
Wednesday, December 7, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Decrease Holiday Stress will be hosted in collaboration with SHFT Movement. Treat yourself and set up a time for a 20-25 minute chiropractic and massage session for $100. Please contact to reserve a time.
FitPlus Holiday Social
Wednesday, December 14, starting at 11:30 a.m., GYM 148
Come work out with us, play some games, and enjoy some treats with the FitPlus Fam!
Holiday Food Drive
December 1-14
FitPlus will be hosting a Holiday Food Drive the first two weeks of December. Please join by donating and dropping off a can or two to spread holiday spirit to the families of Daly City, Colma and Broadmoor as FitPlus is working with Daly City Partnership to provide food to families for the holidays.
Professor of Public Health Laura Mamo was named interim director of the Health Equity Institute for AY 2022-2023. The institute is a campus research and service organization dedicated to providing research and engagement opportunities in health equity for our campus community and beyond. Its work focuses on three interrelated areas: research in health equity, student training in health equity and community engagement.

“Mulheres à Cesta,” a film produced by Professor of Kinesiology Claudia Guedes, won an award from the Lisbon Sport Film Festival in the feature film category. The awards ceremony took place in Lisbon on November 13. The documentary film about the history of women’s basketball in Brazil gives voice to the stories of women who gave visibility to women's basketball in the ’60s and ’70s and and who became responsible for the inclusion of this sport in the Olympic Games. The goal of this documentary is to inspire the current generation of women's basketball athletes and those to come. It is a part of a project that includes a book by the same name, published by Guedes in 2009, and an e-book.
Paolo Privitelli, a BASW senior, was awarded the Gilman Scholarship as part of his study abroad program at Hochschule Fulda.
The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program enables students to study or intern in a diverse array of countries or areas and world regions, providing them with skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity. This program enables American students to gain proficiency in diverse languages and cultures, skills that are critically important to their academic and career development. It also encourages students to study languages, especially critical need languages (those deemed important to national security).
As part of his study abroad experience, Privitelli is participating in the International Course in Social Work in Fall 2022 offered by partner institution Hochschule Fulda. As part of that program, he is taking social work courses, doing an internship and taking an introductory German language class.

Doctor of Physical Therapy students MJ Solis, Keith Vernon, Fernando Cazares Jr., Nicole Shak, Amy Ding and Stephanie Huynh led workshops with area high school students about physical therapy as a career. The high school students got to try out goniometry skills and watched a demonstration of some functional mobility skills. The event was under the auspices of Healthlink, a partnership between the UCSF professional school students, Bay Area public schools and community organizations. Healthlink's mission is to “inspire, support, and nurture students from communities underrepresented in the health professions.”
Associate Professor and Chair of Physical Therapy Jet Lee was part of a national group that recently published clinical practice guidelines for the assessment and screening of cancer-related fatigue in the September 2022 issue of the Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal.
Laura Mamo, Health Equity Institute professor of Public Health, was the U.S. keynote at King’s College London at the Queer Reproduction Symposium held on November 10. The event was jointly sponsored by The University of Cambridge’s Reproductive Sociology (ReproSoc) group and Queer at Kings. Mamo’s presentation was based on a recent publication, “Queer Reproductive Justice in Transnational Bioeconomies.”
Assistant Professor of Public Health Supriya Misra gave an oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, held in Boston November 6-9, as part of the Asian Pacific Islander Caucus. The talk was titled, “Understanding experiences of severe mental illness among immigrants in the United States: An example from South Asian patients and their families in New York City.” Its learning objectives were to 1) define inequities in severe mental illness for immigrants worldwide, 2) list what is known about severe mental illness for immigrants in the United States and 3) describe the experiences of South Asian immigrants with diagnoses of severe mental illness and their family members in New York City.
Professor Erik Peper, Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism/Institute for Holistic Health Studies, co-authored an article, “Teaching Awareness of Shoulder Tension with Somatic Practices and EMG,” in the Fall 2022 issue of the Biofeedback. The article describes a useful practice to develop awareness of muscle tension that may contribute to discomfort in the neck and shoulders while working at the computer.
Associate Professor of Sociology & Sexuality Studies Clare Sears presented a paper at the Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association on November 3 in New Orleans. The paper, titled, “Never Tell a Psychopath They’re a Psychopath: Defamiliarizing the Queer Psychopath in ‘Killing Eve,’” brings together feminist studies, queer studies and disability studies to examine historical linkages between queerness and psychopathy and to explore ways that contemporary television may disrupt these linkages.
Submit an Item
The deadline to submit items for the December 13, 2022 issue of CHSS Connection is December 7. Send submissions to
Current Events
MSW Admission Info Sessions
December 1 & 15, 7-8:30 p.m., all via Zoom
SF State Staff Council Meet-and-Greet
Wednesday, December 7, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Rosa Parks A-C (Student Union Building, Basement Level)
SF State End of Year Celebration
Thursday, December 15, 3-5 p.m., Don Nasser Family Plaza at Main Gym
Erik Peper

Professor Erik Peper (Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism/Institute for Holistic Health Studies) was interviewed Abby Metcalf for her podcast. The title of the episode was “How Changing Your Breathing and Posture Can Change Your Life.” Relationships Made Easy Podcast 11/22/2022
Steven Ford
Lecturer of Criminal Justice Studies Steven Ford has been named permanent chief of police for the city of Antioch. East County Today 11/17/2022
Kevin Mullin
Alumnus Kevin Mullin (MPA, ’98) was elected to California’s District 15 House of Representatives. The Hill 11/17/2022
Family Acceptance Project
The Family Acceptance Project at SF State was cited in an article about how to be a trans ally during Transgender Awareness Week. PRIDE 11/17/2022
Daniel Vencill
Criminal Justice Lecturer Daniel Vencill commented on recent layoffs by major San Francisco-based tech-giants. KGO-TV; KMIZ 11/4/2022
Alumni News

Left to right: Kevin Mullin, April Chan, Shamann Walton
Three SF State alumni of the Master of Public Administration program won seats in the U.S mid-term elections on November 8.
Winning the 15th Congressional District election to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives is Kevin Mullin (MPA, ’98). Mullin will represent the Peninsula and parts of San Francisco in the seat previously held by Democrat Jackie Speier. Mullin previously served in California’s Assembly as Assembly speaker pro tempore and on the City Council for South San Francisco.
April Chan (MPA, ’95) will represent Ward 7 on the Board of East Bay Municipal Utility District. Chan chairs the Fairview Municipal Advisory Council and previously served on Alameda County Fire Advisory Commission. After her MPA degree, she built a career in public finance and transit.
Shamann Walton (MPA, ’10) was just re-elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. He currently serves as the board president, representing District 10. He is the former executive director of Young Community Developers.
The Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism has been spotlighting its alumni on Instagram. Check it out @sfsurpt!

Featured Photo

A Doctor of Physical Therapy student gives a demonstration at career workshop for area high school students.