January 17, 2023

Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy Casey Nesbit and Doctor of Physical Therapy students Fernando Cazares, Kelsey Hargrove and Chelsea Owens were in Namitete, Malawi to provide education and training in rehabilitation skills and BP monitoring to 60 community health workers. In addition, they provided training for hospital nurses and doctors at St. Gabriel’s Hospital in Namitete in basic principles of mobility for common conditions in the acute care setting. The team from the SFSU/UCSF Graduate Program in Physical Therapy collaborated with the coordinators of the Home-Based Palliative Care program, the hospital director, the hospital administrators, a local rehabilitation technician and the leaders of the community health workers to provide the training program and physical therapy services grounded in cultural responsiveness.
As we prepare for the start of the spring semester, it’s a good time to remind everyone to be mindful of securing offices and workspaces. There have been some thefts reported recently, and, unfortunately, that is not uncommon in our buildings.
Since our buildings are open to the public, and HSS in particular is on a busy public street, we are vulnerable to intruders. Some offices have been observed with doors wide open when no one is there. In order to safeguard University equipment and your own personal valuables, please remember to close and lock your doors if you will be out of sight of your office. If you are in an open area, secure your valuables in a locked drawer.
Please report thefts to the University Police Department at upd@sfsu.edu, (415) 338-7200), and to CHSS Facilities & Operations Specialist Samantha Ward. Report theft of computer equipment to CHSS Director of Information Technology Lucas Ford as well.
For those teaching this spring, below is standard wording for your syllabi. If you have any questions about what is included in the standard wording for your syllabi, please contact the CHSS Associate Dean’s Office at assocdean@sfsu.edu.
A collaborative project looking at the effect of virtually reality on children’s cognition has received an internal award from SF State’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Professor of Child & Adolescent Development Rachel Flynn is the principal investigator; co-investigators are Associate Professor Jimmy Bagley and Assistant Professor Kent Lorenz in the Department of Kinesiology.
Abstract excerpt:
Children enjoy using technology; therefore, it has been used to deliver a range of interventions focused on learning and health. New active Virtual Reality (VR) games (AVRGs) have potential to increase both cognition and fitness for children based on the immersive nature of the technology, however there is currently a dearth of research in this area. The over-arching aim of the study is to examine the acute effect of VR on cognition in children. In addition, we will examine if individual difference factors moderate the effect. The research will contribute to understanding the mechanisms that improve children’s executive functioning (EF), the subset of cognition that includes attention, inhibition and shifting. In addition, this innovative study is one of the first to explore the level of energy expenditure during AVRG play for children and if the level of energy expenditure influences changes in EF.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation awarded 309 scholarships totaling $860,250 for the 2022-2023 academic year. Of these, four scholarships have been awarded to SF State Nutrition & Dietetics students within the Family, Interiors, Nutrition & Apparel Department:
- Jennifer Jung (SF State Nutrition Program alum, now at Golden Gate Dietetic Internship) received the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation Diversity Scholarship.
- Szabina Maczak (SF State Dietetic Internship) received the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation General Scholarship.
- Lois Quilatan (SF State Dietetic Internship) received the Commission on Dietetic Registration Scholarship.
- Kristi Stoeckel (SF State Dietetic Internship) received the Janette Smith Memorial Scholarship.

Associate Professor of Kinesiogy Jimmy Bagley, along with Andrew Galpin of CSU Fullerton and Kevin Murach of University of Arkansas, published “Busting muscle myths” in The Biochemist. The authors discuss the latest research addressing some common muscle myths and misconceptions.
The American Holistic Health Association republished a research article by Professor Erik Peper (Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism/Institute of Holistic Health Studies) titled “Healing Chronic Back Pain.” The article, which discusses self-healing strategies, first appeared in the Townsend Letter.
Events & Media
Professor of Public Administration Sheldon Gen (School of Public Affairs & Civic Engagement) will moderate an online panel of participants of the United Nations’ most recent Conference of the Parties (COP) meetings on climate action and biodiversity conservation, held in Egypt and Canada, respectively. Panelists will include leadership of the Indigenous Environmental Alliance, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Well Done Foundation and Point Blue Conservation Science. Come learn what happens at the COP meetings, the progress and challenges of these international efforts, and the key roles that California plays in them.
The webinar will be on Wednesday, January 18 at 12 p.m. and is open to the public. Registration is free.

Professor and Chair of Sociology/Sexuality Studies Andreana Clay will moderate Slanguage: The art and language of Hip Hop, a talk with hip-hop artists Troy Lamarr Chew II and Sickamore, on Saturday, January 21 at 3 p.m. The event is part of the FOG Design+Art fair to be held at Fort Mason in San Francisco.
The talk will explore the way the originators of hip-hop developed and used specific coded language to communicate shared experiences and looks at the way slang commonly functions within alternative cultures. Chew’s work looks methodically at systems of coded communication and how this is translated and mistranslated both within the African Diaspora and throughout the mainstream, while Sickamore seeks to elevate the art of hip hop and bring attention to young artists. Both Chew and Sickamore challenge the ongoing erasure and co-opting of crucial social histories and create safe spaces for language and culture to thrive.
M.A. in Gerontology Prospective Student Information Sessions
Monday, January 30, 12-1 p.m.; Tuesday, February 21, 12-1 p.m.; Wednesday, March 15, 7-8 p.m.; Thursday, April 6, 7-8 p.m., all via Zoom
Master of Public Administration Prospective Student Information Sessions
Wednesday, February 1, 5-6 p.m.; Tuesday, March 7, 6-7 p.m.; Wednesday, March 22, 12-1 p.m., all via Zoom
Associate Professor and Director of Nursing Elaine Musselman discussed the importance oral health care in children in an article about educating Latinx children on how to take care of their teeth. El Tecolote 1/12/2023
Research by the Family Acceptance Project on the negative impact of conversion therapy on youth was cited in an article about Wisconsin state legislators’ vote to overturn the ban and allow therapist to practice this type of therapy. WORT FM 1/12/2023
Lecturer of Criminal Justice Studies Jason Bell is quoted in an article about Project Rebound. EdSource 12/22/2022
Professor Emeritus of Gerontology Brian de Vries discussed how the COVID pandemic highlighted the need for better care planning for LGBTQ adults. Bay Area Reporter 12/21/2022
Lecturer of Criminal Justice Studies James Dudley commented on the high number of border patrol agents committing suicide. WNG.org 12/21/2022
Associate Professor and Director of Nursing Elaine Musselman and Lecturer of Nursing Larry Vitale discussed the benefits of providing better dental care for Latinx children in San Francisco. El Tecolote 12/16/2022
Professor and Chair of Sociology/Sexuality Studies Andreana Clay discussed the Respect for Marriage Act that was signed by President Biden Dec. 13. KQED Forum 12/15/2022
Featured Photo

Associate Professor of Kinesiology Jimmy Bagley stands with grad students Zak Zarei-Escobar and Gabriel Cabezon, who presented microscope imaging research at the annual CSU Biotechnology Symposium. They compared a couple of different methods to measure muscle cell size using confocal microscopy from previously frozen biopsy samples. This methods development work is important for advancing the study of human muscle hypertrophy and atrophy after exercise and disuse. Source: @musclephyslab on Instagram
Submit an Item
January 25 is the deadline to submit items for the January 31 issue of CHSS Connection. Send submissions to mbroder@sfsu.edu.