Gen joins board of environmental conservation science nonprofit

In June, Professor Sheldon Gen of the School of Public Affairs & Civic Engagement was selected to serve on the board of directors of Point Blue Conservation Science, a California-based nonprofit with global reach on issues of environmental conservation and nature-based climate action.
Gen has served on Point Blue’s science advisory committee for two years and now joins Professor of Geography & Environment Ellen Hines on the board of directors, along with 20 others from business, civic and academic leadership. Point Blue CEO Manuel Oliva said Gen was selected to the board for his “knowledge, leadership and insights” on nonprofits engaged in environmental policy advocacy. His charge is to help enhance the organization’s impact on public policy.
Point Blue’s 160 scientists conduct applied research in shoreline and marine conservation, working lands management, environmental education and keystone environmental datasets. The organization partners with numerous government agencies, farmers and ranchers and other private land owners to research and develop conservation practices that restore and sustain a healthy planet for wildlife and humans. Point Blue’s leadership on nature-based climate solutions is recognized by the United Nations, and in 2017 it was named an official NGO observer organization of the United Nation’s Framework Convention on Climate Change. In this role, Point Blue participates in the UN’s annual Climate Change Conference of the Parties, the international community’s meetings to implement the Paris Agreement on climate change.