Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement en MPA Degree Info Sessions for Prospective Spring 2024 Students <div class="row bs-2col-stacked node node--type-event node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="pl-component col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--top"> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type-compound-event-info-card paragraph--view-mode-default pl-component pl-component--card event-card"> <div class="event-info-overview"> <div class="event-image col-sm-8 col-sm-push-5"> </div> <div class="event-info col-sm-5 col-sm-pull-7"> <h1></h1> <div class="event-date"> Monday, October 16, 2023 </div> <div><span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Event Time</span> 06:00 p.m. - 07:00 p.m. PT</div> <div><span class="fa fa-usd"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Cost</span> </div> <div><span class="fa fa-map-marker"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Location</span> Zoom </div> <div><span class="fa fa-envelope-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Contact Email</span> </div> <div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-push-2 col-sm-7 bs-region bs-region--right"> <h2 class="field-label-above">Overview</h2> <div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Gearing up for a career in public policy, advocacy, or program management? Change the world with a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from San Francisco State University! Find out what the MPA degree offers! Join us for an hour via ZOOM and get your questions answered!</p> <p>Our nationally recognized program will enhance your executive and managerial capacity to meet the human capital challenges confronting the nation today. A rigorous curriculum of public and nonprofit management and leadership blends with elective flexibility in areas like data analytics, sustainability studies, and crisis management. The degree provides a strong pathway to a service career within government, non-profit, and the community. MPA graduates routinely deploy their competencies in budgeting, human resource, and network management to lift up their communities.</p> <p>Look forward to high-quality mentorship and job opportunities with our alumni network in the Bay Area and beyond. Located in the heart of San Francisco, California, grow with the MPA program steeped in diversity and social justice values! For more information, email <a href=""></a> or contact the Graduate Program Coordinator, Dr. Gen at <a href=""></a></p> <p>The MPA Degree Info Sessions for Prospective Spring 2024 Students will be conducted via ZOOM on the following dates and times: All Pacific Time</p> <ul> <li>Oct. k16, 6-7 p.m., hosted by Dr. Sheldon Gen</li> <li><a href="">Zoom link</a></li> <li>Meeting ID: 825 2627 6396</li> <li>Passcode: 694653</li> <li>One tap mobile <ul> <li>+16694449171,,82526276396# US</li> <li>+16699006833,,82526276396# US (San Jose)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Fri, 06 Oct 2023 18:58:39 +0000 Michael Broder 277 at Experts in public affairs conduct speed mentoring events with MPA program <div class="row bs-1col node node--type-news node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--main"> <div class="field field--name-node-title field--type-ds field--label-hidden field--item"><h1 class="news-title"> Experts in public affairs conduct speed mentoring events with MPA program </h1> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="pl-component pl-component--news-headline-topfold news-wrapper"> <div class="news-author">Author: M. Ernita Joaquin, Associate Professor of Public Administration </div> <div class="news-info"> <div class="news-date"> September 25, 2023 </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--items"> <div class="field--item"><div class="row bs-2col paragraph paragraph--type-layout-2-columns paragraph--view-mode-default"> <div class="col-sm-6 bs-region bs-region--left"> <div class="field field--name-field-p-referenced-content field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--items"> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-lead lead" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>The Master of Public Administration (MPA) program successfully completed its first-ever speed mentoring project with the program’s <a href="">board of advisors</a>. On August 29 and September 14, graduate students and recent alumni took advantage of the advisory board’s in-house expertise in the fields of government, academic, business and nonprofit leadership.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 bs-region bs-region--right"> <div class="field field--name-field-p-referenced-content-2 field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--items"> <div class="field--item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--basic-image paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="field field--name-field-p-image field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item"><img class="pl-component pl-component--img img-responsive img-default" src="/sites/default/files/images/Speed%20Mentors%20Fall%202023.jpg" alt="Headshots of speed mentors"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>  <em>MPA Program speed mentors</em></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>The events, conducted both at noon and in the evening, provided students nuggets of professional wisdom and lessons on civic engagement, organizational and public change management from experts such as <strong>Traci Lester</strong>, <strong>Lesley Miller</strong>, <strong>Regina Neu</strong>, <strong>Tina Olson</strong>, <strong>Maria Saguisag-Sid</strong>, <strong>Jim Schutz</strong> and <strong>Kenneth Songco</strong>. Some of the program’s advisors received their bachelor's or MPA degrees from SF State.</p> <p>The speed mentoring project, led by Associate Professor <strong>Ernita Joaquin</strong> and the officers of the <a href="">SF State University Chapter of the International City and County Management Association (ICMA)</a> — <strong>Joana De Sousa</strong>, <strong>Sidney Bliss</strong>, <strong>Mikayla Denney</strong>, <strong>Yami Kofuma-Henry</strong> and <strong>Grant Miller</strong> — allowed participants to interact with the board through break-out Zoom sessions. Beside informing students of their professions and initiatives that supplement <a href="">what MPA students learn from the program</a>, the mentors shared their personal journeys, stories, job- and life hacks and trends that aspiring public executives should note.</p> <p>While all mentors spoke of equity and public service values, each had unique tips to offer. Neu, for instance, talked about finding “your special sauce” in career decision making and selling it. Olson explained why people who are flexible are successful and the importance of learning to manage people remotely. Schutz emphasized equity in resume preparation and in working in diverse departments as one moves up an organization. Saguisag-Sid urged finding out what stakeholders deem important and recognizing when a job is no longer a good fit. Lester spoke on transitioning into new roles, battling the imposter syndrome and how through voluntary activities, one could get a position created just for them. Miller called attention to  supplemental training courses and applying for jobs that have training involved. Finally, Songco emphasized the importance of self-reflection, motivation and diplomacy in public service.</p> <p>Attendees appreciated the sessions and the wealth of experience the board has to offer. The success of this project suggests a similar undertaking in the future.</p> <p><a href="">Check out the MPA degree now</a> and jumpstart your career!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/teaching" hreflang="en">Teaching</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Mon, 25 Sep 2023 23:06:05 +0000 Michael Broder 272 at Public Administration graduate students successfully compete in national contest on wildfire crisis management <div class="row bs-1col node node--type-news node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--main"> <div class="field field--name-node-title field--type-ds field--label-hidden field--item"><h1 class="news-title"> Public Administration graduate students successfully compete in national contest on wildfire crisis management </h1> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="pl-component pl-component--news-headline-topfold news-wrapper"> <div class="news-author">Author: Ernita Joaquin </div> <div class="news-info"> <div class="news-date"> March 15, 2023 </div> <div class="field field--name-field-p-image field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item"> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/sf_state_1440x564/public/images/naspaa%20groups.jpg?h=93c8ae4a&amp;itok=NlRAMq1x" width="1440" height="564" alt="two groups of students at NASPAA meeting" class="img-responsive" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--items"> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p><em>Pictured (left) SF State MPA students; (right) winning team “Code Red” </em></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-lead lead" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>On March 4, four SF State Master of Public Administration (MPA) students joined fellow graduate students from all over the country to participate in a wildfire simulation competition sponsored by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA), the accrediting body for SF State’s flagship graduate program in public affairs, the MPA.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p><strong>Stephen Kraemer</strong>, <strong>Forest Kerstetter</strong>,<strong> Sally Mei </strong>and <strong>Shae Hancock</strong> (MPA candidate and chief of operations with SF State’s University Enterprises) all joined national task forces charged with developing a fire mitigation plan for the fictitious town of Westmount. </p> <p>Each player was assigned a role on a task force (mayor, forest service ranger, water authority manger, environmental organization representative or a local citizen coalition representative). All the roles had well-developed personal and professional motivations, but players had to negotiate a plan that would work for the citizens of Westmount as a whole. </p> <p>The scenerio was complex, and included immersive details players had to take into account such as wind, temperature and seasons — as well as the socioeconomic differences between the neighborhoods in Westmount. Every decision that was made could change each character’s performance measurement in real time — there were angry constituents, and even a harsh note of rebuke from a player’s boss! The final work product was a policy brief outlining the decisions and mitigation plan, as well as a presentation to the other groups. While the rounds went on, the judges would come around asking questions about the group’s decision-making process, and the answers would count toward the final score. </p> <p>Overall, it was a rigorous day, but many of the students felt like they really were an intergovernmental task-force. There were roadblocks, setbacks and complicated situations that took everyone working together in order to deliver a service for the public good. <strong>SF State MPA candidate Shae Hancock was on the winning team, “Code Red,” </strong>which will have its presentation and policy brief submitted to a global competition later this year. </p> <p><strong>Code Red Team:</strong></p> <ul> <li>David Arguelles, San Diego State University</li> <li>Ashley Brittner Wells, University of Montana</li> <li>Marisa McCarthy, University of San Francisco</li> <li>Beth O’Leary, University of San Francisco</li> <li>Shae Antonette Hancock, San Francisco State University </li> </ul> <p><strong>SF State MPA Graduate Student Contingent:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Stephen Kraemer</li> <li>Sally Mei</li> <li>Forest Kerstetter</li> <li>Shae Antonette Hancock</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/students" hreflang="en">students</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Wed, 15 Mar 2023 22:12:45 +0000 Michael Broder 205 at MPA Degree Info Sessions for Prospective Fall 2023 Students <div class="row bs-2col-stacked node node--type-event node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="pl-component col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--top"> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type-compound-event-info-card paragraph--view-mode-default pl-component pl-component--card event-card"> <div class="event-info-overview"> <div class="event-image col-sm-8 col-sm-push-5"> </div> <div class="event-info col-sm-5 col-sm-pull-7"> <h1></h1> <div class="event-date"> Wednesday, March 22, 2023 </div> <div><span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Event Time</span> 12:00 p.m. - 01:00 p.m. PT</div> <div><span class="fa fa-usd"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Cost</span> </div> <div><span class="fa fa-map-marker"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Location</span> Zoom </div> <div><span class="fa fa-envelope-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Contact Email</span> </div> <div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-push-2 col-sm-7 bs-region bs-region--right"> <h2 class="field-label-above">Overview</h2> <div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Gearing up for a career in public <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">policy</a>, <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">advocacy</a>, or program management? Change the world with a Master of Public Administration (<a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">MPA</a>) from San Francisco State University! Find out what the MPA degree offers! Join us for an hour via ZOOM and get your questions answered!</p> <p>Our nationally recognized program will enhance your executive and managerial capacity to meet the human capital challenges confronting the nation today. A rigorous curriculum of public and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">nonprofit</a> <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">management</a> and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">leadership</a> blends with elective flexibility in areas like <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">data</a> analytics, <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">sustainability</a> studies, and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">crisis</a> management. The degree provides a strong pathway to a <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">service</a> career within government, non-profit, and the community. MPA graduates routinely deploy their competencies in <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">budgeting</a>, <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">human</a> resource, and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">network</a> management to lift up their communities.</p> <p>Look forward to high-quality <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">mentorship</a> and job opportunities with our alumni network in the Bay Area and beyond. Located in the heart of San Francisco, California, grow with the MPA program steeped in <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">diversity</a> and social <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">justice</a> values! For more information, email <a href=""></a> or contact the graduate director at <a href=""></a></p> <p>The MPA Degree Info Sessions for Prospective Fall 2023 Students will be conducted via ZOOM on the following dates and times:</p> <p>February 1, 2023, 5-6 p.m., hosted by Professor Jennifer Shea</p> <p>March 7, 2023, 6-7 p.m., hosted by Professor Sheldon Gen</p> <p>March 22, 2023, 12-1 p.m., hosted by Professor Janey Wan</p> <p><a href="">Info Session ZOOM Link</a><br />  </p> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/mpa" hreflang="en">mpa</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 22 Dec 2022 19:15:28 +0000 Michael Broder 183 at MPA Degree Info Sessions for Prospective Fall 2023 Students <div class="row bs-2col-stacked node node--type-event node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="pl-component col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--top"> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type-compound-event-info-card paragraph--view-mode-default pl-component pl-component--card event-card"> <div class="event-info-overview"> <div class="event-image col-sm-8 col-sm-push-5"> </div> <div class="event-info col-sm-5 col-sm-pull-7"> <h1></h1> <div class="event-date"> Tuesday, March 07, 2023 </div> <div><span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Event Time</span> 06:00 p.m. - 07:00 p.m. PT</div> <div><span class="fa fa-usd"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Cost</span> </div> <div><span class="fa fa-map-marker"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Location</span> Zoom </div> <div><span class="fa fa-envelope-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Contact Email</span> </div> <div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-push-2 col-sm-7 bs-region bs-region--right"> <h2 class="field-label-above">Overview</h2> <div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Gearing up for a career in public <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">policy</a>, <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">advocacy</a>, or program management? Change the world with a Master of Public Administration (<a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">MPA</a>) from San Francisco State University! Find out what the MPA degree offers! Join us for an hour via ZOOM and get your questions answered!</p> <p>Our nationally recognized program will enhance your executive and managerial capacity to meet the human capital challenges confronting the nation today. A rigorous curriculum of public and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">nonprofit</a> <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">management</a> and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">leadership</a> blends with elective flexibility in areas like <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">data</a> analytics, <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">sustainability</a> studies, and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">crisis</a> management. The degree provides a strong pathway to a <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">service</a> career within government, non-profit, and the community. MPA graduates routinely deploy their competencies in <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">budgeting</a>, <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">human</a> resource, and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">network</a> management to lift up their communities.</p> <p>Look forward to high-quality <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">mentorship</a> and job opportunities with our alumni network in the Bay Area and beyond. Located in the heart of San Francisco, California, grow with the MPA program steeped in <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">diversity</a> and social <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">justice</a> values! For more information, email <a href=""></a> or contact the graduate director at <a href=""></a></p> <p>The MPA Degree Info Sessions for Prospective Fall 2023 Students will be conducted via ZOOM on the following dates and times:</p> <p>February 1, 2023, 5-6 p.m., hosted by Professor Jennifer Shea</p> <p>March 7, 2023, 6-7 p.m., hosted by Professor Sheldon Gen</p> <p>March 22, 2023, 12-1 p.m., hosted by Professor Janey Wan</p> <p><a href="">Info Session ZOOM Link</a><br />  </p> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/mpa" hreflang="en">mpa</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 22 Dec 2022 19:13:25 +0000 Michael Broder 182 at MPA Degree Info Sessions for Prospective Fall 2023 Students <div class="row bs-2col-stacked node node--type-event node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="pl-component col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--top"> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type-compound-event-info-card paragraph--view-mode-default pl-component pl-component--card event-card"> <div class="event-info-overview"> <div class="event-image col-sm-8 col-sm-push-5"> </div> <div class="event-info col-sm-5 col-sm-pull-7"> <h1></h1> <div class="event-date"> Wednesday, February 01, 2023 </div> <div><span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Event Time</span> 05:00 p.m. - 06:00 p.m. PT</div> <div><span class="fa fa-usd"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Cost</span> </div> <div><span class="fa fa-map-marker"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Location</span> Zoom </div> <div><span class="fa fa-envelope-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Contact Email</span> </div> <div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-push-2 col-sm-7 bs-region bs-region--right"> <h2 class="field-label-above">Overview</h2> <div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Gearing up for a career in public <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">policy</a>, <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">advocacy</a>, or program management? Change the world with a Master of Public Administration (<a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">MPA</a>) from San Francisco State University! Find out what the MPA degree offers! Join us for an hour via ZOOM and get your questions answered!</p> <p>Our nationally recognized program will enhance your executive and managerial capacity to meet the human capital challenges confronting the nation today. A rigorous curriculum of public and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">nonprofit</a> <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">management</a> and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">leadership</a> blends with elective flexibility in areas like <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">data</a> analytics, <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">sustainability</a> studies, and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">crisis</a> management. The degree provides a strong pathway to a <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">service</a> career within government, non-profit, and the community. MPA graduates routinely deploy their competencies in <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">budgeting</a>, <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">human</a> resource, and <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">network</a> management to lift up their communities.</p> <p>Look forward to high-quality <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">mentorship</a> and job opportunities with our alumni network in the Bay Area and beyond. Located in the heart of San Francisco, California, grow with the MPA program steeped in <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">diversity</a> and social <a href=";highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7002506542788866048">justice</a> values! For more information, email <a href=""></a> or contact the graduate director at <a href=""></a></p> <p>The MPA Degree Info Sessions for Prospective Fall 2023 Students will be conducted via ZOOM on the following dates and times:</p> <p>February 1, 2023, 5-6 p.m., hosted by Professor Jennifer Shea</p> <p>March 7, 2023, 6-7 p.m., hosted by Professor Sheldon Gen</p> <p>March 22, 2023, 12-1 p.m., hosted by Professor Janey Wan</p> <p><a href="">Info Session ZOOM Link</a></p> <p> </p> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/mpa" hreflang="en">mpa</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 22 Dec 2022 18:59:45 +0000 Michael Broder 181 at MPA alumni elected to U.S. Congress and local public offices <div class="row bs-1col node node--type-news node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--main"> <div class="field field--name-node-title field--type-ds field--label-hidden field--item"><h1 class="news-title"> MPA alumni elected to U.S. Congress and local public offices </h1> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="pl-component pl-component--news-headline-topfold news-wrapper"> <div class="news-author">Author: MPA Program </div> <div class="news-info"> <div class="news-date"> November 23, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--items"> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-lead lead" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Three San Francisco State University alumni of the Master of Public Administration program won seats in the U.S mid-term elections on November 8.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--basic-image paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="field field--name-field-p-image field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item"><img class="pl-component pl-component--img img-responsive img-default" src="/sites/default/files/images/three%20mpa%20alumni.jpg" alt="Headshots of Kevin Mullin, April Chan and Shamann Walton"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p><em>Left to right: Kevin Mullin, April Chan, Shamann Walton</em></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Winning the 15th Congressional District election to serve in the <strong>U.S. House of Representatives</strong> is<strong> </strong><strong>Kevin Mullin</strong> (MPA, ’98). Mullin will represent the Peninsula and parts of San Francisco in the seat previously held by Democrat Jackie Speier. Mullin previously served in California’s Assembly as Assembly speaker pro tempore and on the City Council for South San Francisco. </p> <p><strong>April Chan</strong> (MPA, ’95) will represent Ward 7 on the <strong>Board of East Bay Municipal Utility District</strong>. Chan chairs the Fairview Municipal Advisory Council and previously served on Alameda County Fire Advisory Commission. After her MPA degree, she built a career in public finance and transit. </p> <p><strong>Shamann Walton </strong>(MPA, ’10) was just re-elected to the <strong>San Francisco Board of Supervisors</strong>. He currently serves as the board president, representing District 10. He is the former executive director of Young Community Developers.</p> <p>Other MPA alums have also served as elected officials. <strong>John Baker</strong> (MPA, ’12) is currently president of the South San Francisco Unified School District. Baker first served on the board in 2016 and has been re-elected ever since. <strong>Juslyn Manalo</strong>  (MPA, ’14) is a member of the City Council for Daly City and has also served as mayor. <strong>Alex Randolph</strong> (MPA, ’12) was a member of the City College of San Francisco Board of Trustees from 2015 to 2020 and has since worked in government affairs for Uber and currently at The Gap.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/alumni" hreflang="en">Alumni</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Wed, 23 Nov 2022 23:54:05 +0000 Michael Broder 172 at Webinar: Inclusionary and Emergency Housing Policies in California during the COVID-19 pandemic <div class="row bs-2col-stacked node node--type-event node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="pl-component col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--top"> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type-compound-event-info-card paragraph--view-mode-default pl-component pl-component--card event-card"> <div class="event-info-overview"> <div class="event-image col-sm-8 col-sm-push-5"> </div> <div class="event-info col-sm-5 col-sm-pull-7"> <h1></h1> <div class="event-date"> Wednesday, October 05, 2022 </div> <div><span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Event Time</span> 12:00 p.m. - 01:00 p.m. PT</div> <div><span class="fa fa-usd"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Cost</span> </div> <div><span class="fa fa-map-marker"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Location</span> Zoom </div> <div><span class="fa fa-envelope-o"></span><span class="sr-only sr-only-focusable">Contact Email</span> </div> <div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-push-2 col-sm-7 bs-region bs-region--right"> <h2 class="field-label-above">Overview</h2> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--basic-image paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="field field--name-field-p-image field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item"><img class="pl-component pl-component--img img-responsive img-default" src="/sites/default/files/images/AHRI%20forum%20speakers.jpg" alt="AHRI Forum speakers"> </div> </div> <div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>The <a href="">Applied Housing Research Initiative (AHRI)</a> at SF State announces the upcoming release of three working papers on the emergency housing policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the advancement of equity.</p> <p>AHRI will also be hosting an upcoming Zoom webinar on Wednesday, October 5, 12-1 p.m. to discuss the findings of these papers. The papers were written by AHRI’s research team consisting of Professor <strong>Ayse Pamuk</strong>, Professor <strong>Jennifer Shea</strong>, Professor <strong>Laura Mamo</strong>, Professor<strong> XiaoHang Liu</strong> and AHRI research associate and MPA graduate student <strong>Temur Umarov </strong>(pictured above, left to right).</p> <p>Liu’s working paper examines the association between a city’s inclusionary housing program, its vulnerability to COVID-19 and its change in racial residential segregation. Shea and Mamo analyze the results of a survey distributed to 482 local California governments to better understand the relationship among housing policy and three interrelated dimensions of equity goals and targets in areas of economics, race, and public health. Pamuk and Umarov provide an overview of the emergency housing policies implemented in California and a preliminary analysis of their reasons for implementation, effectiveness and potential issues. Additionally, three interactive mapping platforms created by Liu visualize COVID vulnerability, emergency housing policies, and racial residential segregation throughout California.</p> <p><strong>To read the working papers, explore the dashboards and register to attend the Zoom webinar, please visit the <a href="">AHRI website</a>. </strong></p> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/urban-studies-planning" hreflang="en">Urban Studies &amp; Planning</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/scholarship" hreflang="en">Scholarship</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Mon, 12 Sep 2022 20:46:45 +0000 Michael Broder 140 at SF State student chapter of local government association wins contest for best event <div class="row bs-1col node node--type-news node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--main"> <div class="field field--name-node-title field--type-ds field--label-hidden field--item"><h1 class="news-title"> SF State student chapter of local government association wins contest for best event </h1> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="pl-component pl-component--news-headline-topfold news-wrapper"> <div class="news-author">Author: CHSS Communications </div> <div class="news-info"> <div class="news-date"> August 3, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--items"> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-lead lead" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>The SF State student chapter of the International City and County Management Association (ICMA) won the association’s Best Chapter Event Contest for its “Breaking into Public Service” virtual panel.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Each year, the ICMA contest awards a select few <a href="">ICMA student chapters</a> with travel funds to attend the ICMA Annual Conference. Chapters present their most successful event to members of the ICMA Executive Board, highlighting topic, involvement and impact, with a special focus on innovation this year. The SF State chapter, which is advised by Associate Professor of Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement <strong>Ernita Joaquin</strong>, was one of three student chapters to win the contest.</p> <p>The SF State chapter’s virtual panel introduced students to the experiences of four public service panelists and allowed the 26 attendees to gain insights into career direction and tips for landing roles. SF State ICMA Chapter President Steven Lee moderated the panel, composed of Jim Schutz, city manager of San Rafael, California; Jessica Paran, Social Services Division director of Marin County, California; Aaron Zavala, senior management analyst for Petaluma, California and Ahmad Anderson, director of people and culture at SF JAZZ in California. The conversation ranged from concrete, technical tips for new graduates, to the acknowledgment of a changing post-pandemic workplace, to inspiring reflections on a core value of public administration.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/students" hreflang="en">students</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/awards" hreflang="en">awards</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Fri, 26 Aug 2022 00:05:55 +0000 Michael Broder 101 at Gen joins board of environmental conservation science nonprofit <div class="row bs-1col node node--type-news node--view-mode-rss"> <div class="col-sm-12 bs-region bs-region--main"> <div class="field field--name-node-title field--type-ds field--label-hidden field--item"><h1 class="news-title"> Gen joins board of environmental conservation science nonprofit </h1> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-sub-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--item"> <div class="pl-component pl-component--news-headline-topfold news-wrapper"> <div class="news-author">Author: CHSS Communications </div> <div class="news-info"> <div class="news-date"> August 3, 2022 </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-component field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden field--items"> <div class="field--item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--basic-image paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="field field--name-field-p-image field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item"><img class="pl-component pl-component--img img-responsive img-default" src="/sites/default/files/images/Sheldon%20Gen_2.jpg" alt="Sheldon Gen"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-lead lead" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>In June, Professor <strong>Sheldon Gen</strong> of the School of Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement was selected to serve on the board of directors of <a href="">Point Blue Conservation Science</a>, a California-based nonprofit with global reach on issues of environmental conservation and nature-based climate action.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field--item"><div class="pl-component pl-component--content-basic" > <div class="field field--name-field-p-formatted-content field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item"><p>Gen has served on Point Blue’s science advisory committee for two years and now joins Professor of Geography &amp; Environment Ellen Hines on the board of directors, along with 20 others from business, civic and academic leadership.  Point Blue CEO Manuel Oliva said Gen was selected to the board for his “knowledge, leadership and insights” on nonprofits engaged in environmental policy advocacy. His charge is to help enhance the organization’s impact on public policy.    </p> <p>Point Blue’s 160 scientists conduct applied research in shoreline and marine conservation, working lands management, environmental education and keystone environmental datasets. The organization partners with numerous government agencies, farmers and ranchers and other private land owners to research and develop conservation practices that restore and sustain a healthy planet for wildlife and humans.  Point Blue’s leadership on nature-based climate solutions is recognized by the United Nations, and in 2017 it was named an official NGO observer organization of the United Nation’s Framework Convention on Climate Change. In this role, Point Blue participates in the UN’s annual Climate Change Conference of the Parties, the international community’s meetings to implement the Paris Agreement on climate change.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p>Tags</p> <div class="tags-item"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-administration" hreflang="en">Public Administration</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/public-affairs-civic-engagement" hreflang="en">Public Affairs &amp; Civic Engagement</a></li> <li > <a href="/tags/tags/faculty" hreflang="en">Faculty</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> Wed, 24 Aug 2022 00:21:32 +0000 Michael Broder 90 at