In this series of feature stories, students, alumni, advisors and faculty from the College of Health & Social Sciences speak about actions you can take to make the most of your time at SF State.
What you can do

Join a student organization
Becoming involved in a student organization enriches a student’s experience. In this article, hear from students in the Health Education Student Association, an example of the many student organizations in the College of Health & Social Sciences.

Meet with an advisor
Advisors are an integral part of college success for all students, but not all students are aware of what advisors can offer them. In this story, two advisors talk about what they tell students.

Find the right major
SF State offers more than 100 undergraduate majors — and the opportunity to change majors if you change your career goals. In this story, a student switched her course of study and found the perfect major for her.
In the classroom

Know your professors
When students engage with their professors, they get help cultivating their interests into a career path and make networking connections to start their professional life. Read how a Recreation, Parks & Tourism major found that support from her professor made a great impact on her personal and professional growth.

Learn to solve problems
In this story, students in an academic success course in Holistic Health learn a problem-solving model to help deal with challenges that affect everyday success in school or life — such as mental health, wellness, and time management.